
西班牙语 越南




Once every 10 years, each person living in the United States and its territories is counted. The 2020 census counts where you lived on April 1, 2020. These numbers are used to determine federal funding of essential and popular programs including Health First Colorado/Medicaid for the next decade. 此外 County receives $800 million a year to help pay for things like child care assistance, 服务 美国黑人aging adults, public health services, housing, education, employment, and road and bridge repairs.

Colorado even stands to gain an additional seat in the House of Representatives after this count, 根据….S. 人口普查局人口估计.

Most households will receive invitations to fill out the short questionnaire by phone, 邮件, 或者第一次上网. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-changing situation, if you need help filling out the census you can call 1-844-330-2020 或者去 2020年的人口普查.政府 更多语言指南.
[Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 y la situación en constante cambio, si necesita ayuda para completar el censo, 普莱德·拉玛尔 1-844-468-2020 Para español,请访问 2020年的人口普查.政府 Para más guías de idiomas.]

“We are really focused on the tremendous growth in 此外 County and making sure every person gets counted,希瑟·奥黑尔说, director of 此外 County Department of Human 服务.


Top 10 Reasons to participate in the 2020 Census:

  1. 这是法律. Everyone living in the United States is required to complete the census.
  2. 人口普查数据是安全可靠的. There is NO citizenship question on the 2020 Census. Your personal information is protected—each household form has a special code. And federal law prohibits using any information against you.
    [Los datos del censo son seguros y protegidos. No hay preguntas de ciudadanía en el Censo 2020. Su información personal está protegida: cada formulario de hogar tiene un código especial. Y la ley federal prohíbe el uso de cualquier información en su contra.]
  3. 变性人它的速度非常快. There are only 10 questions and it takes about 10 minutes to complete.
  4. 它是方便的. You can complete the census online or call 1-844-330-2020 在你的日程表上. 呼叫中心每天都有工作人员.m.-4 p.m. MST, but you may have a longer wait time due to limits on the number of employees allowed to work together during the health crisis.
    [西文conveniente. Puede completar el censo por el internet o llamar al número 1-844-468-2020 Para español en su horario. Los centros de llamadas cuentan con personal de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. MST, pero es posible que tenga un tiempo de espera más largo debido a la cantidad de empleados que pueden trabajar juntos durante la crisis de salud.]
  5. 可以得到帮助! Once 政府ernment stay-at-home orders are lifted and public libraries re-open, some area libraries can assist you in filling out the census questionnaire. Special outreach events around the community may be rescheduled. 点击这里查看更新: 此外.org/census-outreach-calendar.
  6. 使用电脑很容易. In the current health crisis, it may take a while for libraries to re-open to the public. When they do, you won’t need a library card or ID to use a public library computer. Census workers or librarians can help you complete the questionnaire online. Laptops will be provided at some regional events if they are rescheduled. (请参阅参考资料.)
  7. 这不仅仅适用于说英语的人. Paper forms are also available in 西班牙语. Phone assistance is provided in 13 languages. 网页, 视频指南, and word glossaries are available in 59 languages, 大的打印, 和盲文. (参见参考资料列表.)
    [No es solo para blantes de inglsamas]. Los formularios en papel también están disponibles en español. La asistencia telefónica se proporciona en 13 idiomas. Las páginas web, las guías de videos y los glosarios de palabras están disponibles en 59 idiomas. (verlista de recursos.)]
  8. Money for essential community programs is at stake. An accurate count means we get the federal dollars we need to keep our county safe, 健康的, 并蓬勃发展.
  9. Fair representation at the federal level. Colorado’s population has exploded since 2010, according to the State Demography Office. Census counts are used to determine how many seats each state gets in Congress, and an additional representative in Washington would increase the Centennial State’s political power.
  10. 每个人都值得考虑. 在过去, 婴儿, 生活在农村地区的人, 无家可归者的人, and people of color have been undercounted. Just a 1 percent undercount in 此外 County could mean losing $80 million in federal funds over the next 10 years!

来源: Counting for Dollars 2020: Colorado (George WashingtonUniversity Study), 拉里默县预算办公室, 此外 County Department of Human 服务, NoCoCounts, U.S.人口普查局丹佛地区办事处


2020年的人口普查.政府 – language guides and general information

丹佛地区人口普查中心 1-800-852-6159问题或顾虑; 丹佛.区域.Office@census.政府

NoCoCountsOurcity.fc政府.com; census videos, news, and fact sheets

此外.org/census-outreach-calendar – regional events held around the community to help residents complete the census



2020年的人口普查.政府 – guías de idiomas e información general

丹佛地区发展中心1-800-852-6159不安的预兆; 丹佛.区域.Office@census.政府

NoCoCountsOurcity.fc政府.com; videos del censo, noticias y hojas informativas

此外.org/census-outreach-calendar – eventos regionales que se realizan alrededor de la comunidad para ayudar a los residentes a completar el censo